Fabricators Create Incredible Dibond Pavilion For Maker Faire In Rome

Tecno Soluzioni, MEDAARCH, Maker Faire, Dibond Pavilion, Rome, 3A Composites Graphic DisplayThe Maker Faire is considered the “Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth.” It brings together the greatest global minds to display invention and creativity. Since its inception in 2006, the event has had over 1 million attendees and has a specialized European Edition known as Maker Faire Rome. (more…)

Fruit Bowl Explores The Flexibility Of Dibond Aluminum Composite

3A COMPOSITES GRAPHIC DISPLAY DIBOND RUBEN DERIEMAEKER MORE FRUIT More Fruit is an exploratory product design by Belgian designer, Ruben Deriemaeker. The project utilizes Dibond aluminum composite waste material that is cut, milled and folded to produce a fruit bowl. Interestingly, the fruit bowl only fits together when fruit is in the bowl, without it, it collapses. (more…)