The Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara is a cultural services center situated in the northern mountains of Italy, in the province of Trento. The Center offers cultural arts events to the public, such as musical and theatrical performances, and historical installations as well as meeting and event spaces. Along with the Center's two theaters, an adjoining urban park links different parts of the city attracting people of all ages and cultures. Unfortunately, part of the Centro Servizi has been uninhabited for ages and in a severe state of disrepair despite the fact that it is partially protected by "Sovrintendenza dei Beni architettonici", a cultural heritage committee. Except for graffiti of a modest artistic level, there are offensive and xenophobic writings on the walls, evidence not only of urban but also civil decay.
Local architects Elisa Burnazzi and Davide Feltrin, co-owners of Burnazzi Feltrin Architetti, have rejuvenated the entry way to the Centro Servizi by upcycling approximately 200 DIBOND® panels recovered from billboards used to advertise past performances at the Centro Servizi.