Category Archives: Sintra PVC Board Projects

Sculptor’s Lifelike I-Beam Mobiles Float Near Weightlessly with SINTRA® Graphic Display Board

Sculpted to resemble the massive and heavy structural steel girders used to construct skyscrapers, the I-beam  mobiles of J F Jones instead are designed to float near weightlessly above the viewer and to produce a smile with 3-D characters casually perched atop the beams.


3A Composites USA Broadens SINTRA® PVC Collection to Include Four Product Lines

The SINTRA® Collection of  moderately expanded PVC boards has been broadened by 3A Composites USA to meet a  wider variety of customer needs through four product lines: SINTRA, SINTRA Eclipse, SINTRA Vers (formerly e-pvc™)   and new SINTRA Construct.


Sign Experts Use Standardized System To Turn Out Impressive Signage For Grocery Chain

HEB Grocery, Ion Art, San Antonio, Interior Signage HEB Grocery is a San Antonio-based chain that operates its franchise mostly in the Texas, Mexico area. The chain commissioned Ion Art to fabricate and install a series of multi-purpose signage materials for the brand in its San Antonio stores. READ MORE

Agio Imaging Turns To Trusted Sintra PVC Board Brand For Interior Signage

All rigid substrates are not created equal. That’s the philosophy adhered to by employees at Kalamazoo, Mich.-based Agio Imaging, a large-format custom print solution provider, when determining the best rigid substrate for graphic displays. When PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is deemed the best solution for creating interior signage, Agio Imaging turns to Sintra® graphic display board by 3A Composites USA. READ MORE

Game Boy Gets Supersized Using Sintra Expanded PVC Board

ben, heck, giant, game, boy, Sintra, board
The joy of the late eighties came alive with a simple handheld video game device known as the Nintendo Game Boy. The 3.5” by 5.8” frame made the device the first handheld console in the Nintendo lineup resulting in a cult-like following and a wildly popular product for the video game company. A few decades later, and many new product releases, an engineering nerd with a dream, threw it back to the original game set. READ MORE

Luxury Denim Brand On Display Utilizing Black Sintra PVC Board

Diesel, Be Stupid, Tradeshow, Display, Gilbert Displays, Las Vegas, 3A Composites, graphic display USA, 1 The ad messaging for the premium denim brand, Diesel, turns heads with their “Be Stupid” campaign. The imaginative campaign called for elaborate displays using 3A materials, specifically black Sintra PVC Board to create a large, nostalgic VHS tape display. READ MORE